E c  o  n  o  m  i  c  s

Unit 1: Introduction to Economics
Ch. 1: What is Economics?
Ch. 2: Economic Systems
Ch. 3: American Free Enterprise

Unit 2: How Markets Work
Ch. 4: Demand
Ch. 5: Supply
Ch. 6: Prices
Ch. 7: Market Structures

Unit 3: Business and Labor
Ch. 8: Business Organizations
Ch. 9: Labor

Unit 4: Money, Banking, and Finance
Ch. 10: Money and Banking
Ch. 11: Financial Markets

Unit 5: Measuring Economic Performance
Ch. 12: Gross Domestic Product
Ch. 13: Economic Challenges

Unit 6: Government and Economy
Ch. 14: Taxes and Government Spending
Ch. 15: Fiscal Policy
Ch. 16: The Federal Reserve

Unit 7: The Global Economy
Ch. 17: International Trade
Ch. 18: Development and Transition

Final Review (AKA Super Notes)

= Test


If you are in Mr. Robinson's Economics class then you are in the right place. Welcome to our class website. If you use it, this website can serve you as an excellent resource.

The three most helpful things you will find here are practice tests, grades, and a class calendar.

You can take practice tests on the left by clicking the picture of the test . You can earn ten extra credit points per chapter for taking my online practice tests. Feel free to take them as many times as necessary to prepare for our in-class tests.

You can also check your grade in my class through this website. Just click on "grades" at the top of the page.

Lastly, you can check out our class calendar to see what assignments are coming up or what you missed while you were gone.

I will continue to add resources to this website as the year progresses (such as PowerPoint reviews, games, etc.) so please check back between each chapter. I'm looking foward to a great year working with you at Eleanor Roosevelt High School.